

Products againsts
blisters, callules and corns

Put the health of your feet first with creams and treatments

Foot health is very delicate. Taking proper care of your feet is fundamental to perform well during sports activities. Choose the right products to remove corns, blisters and calluses

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Foot sponge

Sponge for removing corns, calluses, thickened skin

Ceramic Cutter

Ceramic Cutter

Well-being for your feet

Feet are an important part of the body since everything rests on them. Foot care should not be underestimated at any stage of life, which is why we offer a wide range of products to get rid of corns, blisters and calluses.

Frequently asked questions

What to put on blisters?


Blisters are injuries caused by excessive pressure or rubbing of the foot due to uncomfortable footwear. They can be very painful and take several days to heal, especially if they are left untreated. Products to remove blisters include hydrocolloid-based adhesive plasters. These plasters allow the blister to breathe and prevents it from bursting in situations that do not allow immediate wound disinfection. Hydrocolloid-based plasters act like a ‘second skin’, provide rapid pain relief and protection against further rubbing and create an optimal environment to accelerate blister healing.

How long do blisters take to heal?


24 hours after applying the blister product, a new layer of skin will begin to form under the surface. After 2 days it will already be visible and after 5 days the new layer of superficial skin will be clearly visible. During the healing process, the fluid in the blister will be reabsorbed by the underlying tissue and the swelling will subside. In any case, puncturing or bursting a blister is not recommended because it may cause an infection and interrupt the natural healing process of the wound.

How to treat burst blisters on the feet?


If the blister bursts, it is best not to detach the outer membrane covering the wound. Leaving the wound open would expose it to external agents such as water, dirt and bacteria. Therefore, to reduce the risk of infection, it is necessary to apply an antiseptic and cover the area with a soft, sterile dressing.

How to treat new shoe blisters?


Usually a blister on the foot is our body’s response mechanism to continuous friction against footwear. In fact, in order to safeguard the skin, a pocket full of fluid is formed with the aim of reducing friction, although in reality the blister itself, when subjected to pressure and rubbing, can in turn cause discomfort and pain.

This situation is very common, especially when wearing new shoes. The important thing to do is not break the blister, but rather to cover it with a special plaster or wait for its spontaneous reabsorption after a few days. The use of products to eliminate blisters is recommended to avoid any form of infection.

How to treat blisters?


Blisters occur in areas most stressed by physical activity, particularly on runners, cyclists and footballers. Blister plasters feature a hydrocolloid system that creates a protective barrier. Not only are they thin and ideal for tight shoes, but they also provide a long lasting protection, are easy to use, adhere immediately and offer high protection from germs. Most importantly, they reduce both pain and healing time.

How to treat corns?


Treatments to eliminate corns start with the use of comfortable shoes. Products can also be used to treat thickened skin, such as moisturising creams, plasters, soft pads or soles. Some products for removing corns contain salicylic acid, a substance that is used to help soften the surface layer of dead skin, so that it can be removed more easily.

How to treat calluses on feet?


It is important to wash your hands and feet in lukewarm soapy water to soften calluses and corns and help the removal of the thickened skin. During or after the shower, the callus should be rubbed with a pumice stone or a towel to remove the first layer of skin. For a more intensive treatment, it is advisable to consult a podiatrist, who can treat foot problems professionally with the use of tools such as cutters and micromotors.

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