The elastic therapeutic tape is used for medical and athletic purposes
Within this category you can find different kinds of tape that protect and support individual myotendinous and capsular ligament structures from trauma.
Protect the most vulnerable structures of the body with the taping technique: discover the whole line of tapes!
The taping technique is also recommended as a protective mechanism to avoid injuries to vulnerable structures or those subject to frequent trauma. Here we find tapes for neuromuscular and proprioceptive tapes classic and adhesive tapes and elastic therapeutic tapes.
Taping is performed with tapes that vary in elasticity to restrict the movement of injured joints while preserving flexibility and protecting it from painful stresses. It is a technique that is used in sports and physiotherapy following sprains and strains to joints and muscles, with particular attention to muscle-tendon and capsular ligament structures. The aim is to help the athlete achieve the fastest possible recovery, without having to resort to limited immobilisation. The tape must be practical with the right indications and the correct materials; the most suitable are elastic strapping tapes that vary in flexibility and sizes, as well as rigid tapes. The bandage is widely used in sports injuries, particularly in the ankle and knee area.
Want to know more?
What is athletic taping?
Classical taping is a therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitative means that is mainly used in sports medicine, traumatology and orthopaedics. It is based on the application of tapes, i.e. elastic adhesive bandages that exert traction by transferring force directly onto the skin. In this way, the physiological load on different parts of the body is relieved.
The elastic therapeutic tape, when applied correctly, improves postural balance, promoting physical well-being. A treatment with elastic taping, specifically kinesiology taping (KT), helps stimulate the body’s natural healing powers, improving sports performance in athletes.
How is the taping technique performed?
The Kinesiology tape is applied directly onto the skin, and its application requires great care.
The aim of this tape is to enhance proprioception through the pressure when applying the tape. However, this must be done taking into account pain, its presence or absence and its intensity. The tension of the tape should be inversely proportional to the intensity of the pain in the injured area, so in cases of acute inflammation and intense pain, the tension of the taping should be reduced to a minimum. It is in any case the medical professional or physiotherapist who will decide how intense the bandage should be.
What is the purpose of the elastic therapeutic tape?
Kinesiology tape, depending on the type of injury, can have the following benefits:
It can be employed on all vulnerable joints of the arms and legs, while on the trunk and neck it is used to restrict the movements of the damaged muscles and joints. The main function of elastic therapeutic taping is muscle regeneration through a functional tape designed to move with the body, but at the same time reducing unwanted or excessive movements.
In each case, it is the doctor who assesses whether or not to use this support. Within the kinesiology taping therapy, further treatments can be included, evaluated and managed by a physiotherapist, such as massage, tecar therapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, laser, shock waves or application of hot or cold packs.
How is taping used in sports?
Sports taping is mainly used in the pre-race phase and in preparation for competitive performance. This treatment is useful for reducing pain and correcting joint biomechanics, improving the athlete’s performance. However, it also plays an important role in the post-race phase: the tape promotes drainage and reduces oedema and pain. Sports taping continuously stimulates the lymphatic circulation from the moment the tape is applied.
What are the shortcomings of taping?
Although it is the ideal ally for sporty people, elastic taping has some contraindications that should be considered. It should be avoided in the case of:
In any case, it is a good idea to test it by applying a small square of tape to the skin, so that any redness can be noticed immediately