Pancasix Evolution allows applying the differentiated global method to patients. With it, you can work with a “degree of stretching” which is adapted to the specific functionality, given that each muscle, from the point of view of its elasticity, is different from other muscles.
Pancasix Evolution allows you to consider patients both through a systemic approach, taking into account all the interconnected variables and through a differentiated one as well.
Knowing that the human body is asymmetrical, we can differentiate between the work the right limb is doing from that of the left limb, adapting exercises to each muscle’s specific condition.
Pancasix Evolution is a tool for preventing and treating the main syndromes related to overload of the muscle-tendon apparatus.
The presence of graded angle scales means that during set-up you can monitor the degree of inclination for the back and for both legs.
Technical specifications:
- Weight 18 kg
- Mmaximum load capacity 110 kg
- Overall dimensions closed 142.6 x 58 cm, depth 32.6
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