Sterile gauze pads are ideal for protecting skin lesions
When an athlete suffers a skin injury or superficial wound, it is important to sterilise the area as soon as possible using the right first aid supplies. Gauze pads are made of sterilised soft cotton and are perfect for any type of wound
Skin lesions must be treated as soon as possible to avoid infection. Different types of gauze can be used in first aid. Sterile hydrophilic gauze pads can absorb any body fluid, such as water or blood, and provide tamponade and protection from more superficial injuries. Paraffin-impregnated sterile gauze pads have low adherence to avoid interference with the surface layer of the wound and help maintain a moist environment to aid recovery; paraffin also has a soothing effect on the wound and accelerates the healing process. Some types of gauze pads have side perforations that prevent the exudation and maceration phenomena: this type of gauze is particularly useful to treat surgical wounds, abrasions, burns, lacerations or blisters.